The Company Portal is an important part of endpoint managed devices in a Microsoft ecosystem. It provides an entry point for users to:

  • access additional apps that are authorised and might be useful to install
  • access support
  • manage their device

The Company Portal is an app installed from the Microsoft Store for Business. The process for deploying the Company Portal is pretty simple:

  1. Log into the Microsoft Store for Business using an administrator account on the tenant you are managing ()
  2. Search the store for Company Portal
  3. Then select Get and then assign to the users you want to get it (in most cases we'll assign to the All Staff group).

Users should get an email saying that they now have the Company Portal.

More to follow ...


A user gets a warning and only has access to a restricted set of functions. As the warning may indicate, this issue arises when the logged in user is different to the Primary User of the device (as recorded in Azure). See this for more information.

More resources

Microsoft guide -

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