Information Technology is like a box of chocolates - you’ll never know what you might get. But there is a joy in this, from the Turkish delight through to the peanut brittle (must admit, not my favourite) - the thrill of nailing a problem, learning something new, and getting to work with others in the pursuit of a shared vision.
Charlie Mac News
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Need specialist help. We are partners with Microsoft, 3cx, DocuSign, Secured Signing, AWS, and more.
Email Luke for more details.
Across the Industry
Join a webinar on strengthening your cyber defences through a zero trust approach
Listen to Sean O’Malley outline AMP Bank’s journey to a cloud-based approach
Discover how changes to Google’s algorithm can impact on small businesses
Read about how the Walkerville Council is utilising predictive technology to manage infrastructure in South Australia
Recent Government Tenders
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning: Enterprise Content Management, System Records Management and Supporting Software (VendorPanel)
Victoria State Emergency Service: Microsoft SharePoint Services (VendorPanel)
Department for Correctional Services (South Australia): Fixed Phone Detection System (Australian Tenders)
City of Melbourne: Corporate Website Replatforming (TenderLink)
Microsoft News
Quasar is using satellites to deliver space data as a service