Over the years, I have looked to understand what might be the best way to run an effective IT operation that truly supports the organisation and achieving its goals, efficiently and comprehensively meets it regulatory obligations, and provides a collaborative platform for growth - personally, organisationally, and financially.
Here, I provide our learnings on how to build the foundation for an effective IT operation with the view of developing a model IT organisation that consists of the best of what we have found. Please use any of this model in any way that may help you. All we ask is that you provide attribution and acknowledgement of Charlie Mac and Associates (including a link to charlie-mac.com) in any places that you use any of this information.
As always, we welcome any feedback you may have.
This model IT organisation will be expanded and updated over time. Any additions or changes are highlighted here.
Although every effort was made to ensure that the information in this template is complete and correct at the time of publication, we do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. Users of this template should conduct their own due diligence to ensure that the document that they create from this template meets their requirements (including operational and regulatory requirements).