The Modern Workplace is a term that was coined by Microsoft (more here) to describe their vision of a virtual workplace where people can participate fully in a work day from anywhere and that facilitates collaboration, devices and services being provisioned on-demand, and a secure way of working. In a Microsoft world, the Modern Workplace includes:

In my mind though, I think of a modern workplace as something more like complete modern ecosystem, that also includes goodies like:

  • Workloads in Azure or AWS, with apps published via Azure Virtual Desktop
  • Utilising Office 365, Power Platform, and Dynamics 365 fully
  • Cloud printing using Universal Print (and integrated with something like PaperCut to enable secure print release)
  • Integrating MS Teams with 3cx

Our goal is to design, deliver and support a clean and simple architecture by applying the following design principles (in order of importance):

  • Making the most of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem
  • Alternatively using AWS for cloud workloads where there is a distinct benefit
  • Using open source solutions (where they are fit for purpose) to provide flexibility, greater control and to lower cost.
  • Using 3rd party solutions or custom development (both as a last resort)

"A change in perspective is worth 80 IQ Points" 
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