Charlie Mac and Associates

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Using AI to classify records and entering the workplace metaverse

If we could only get people to classify their records properly? You can hear this cry from Information Managers across the state. We love to create, but us humans aren’t so good at classifying things. Our interpretations, cultures and biases result in wild variation. It’s a tough job to be an Information Manager squeezed between this wild variation and the steadfastness of the Public Records Office.

If you are facing this squeeze, there is hope. Microsoft released Project Cortex in Nov 2019 – an AI driven knowledge framework, and the first product released on this framework was SharePoint Syntex almost a year later. Syntex does auto-doc scraping, and auto-classification in SharePoint document libraries. The underlying AI framework gives Syntex this cool ability to learn from your documents. There are essentially two modes: train – where you show it examples of documents where the classification applies and others where it doesn’t. And then run – where it applies classifications on it’s own and allows you review the results in real time. I can see this being particularly useful for applying security markings (like PROTECTED).

Anyhow, if you are more into videos (like me) – take a look at this from one of the Syntex architects. There is so much more in the video, like auto-tagging of image files, so grab a cup of tea and get comfy.

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